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Multiplayer is planed to be added in 2-3 weeks. Players can play as impostor or crewmate




pog sussy baka



This game is the best. This should be REAL Among Us

Please add the names of the rooms on the map! 

Make this multiplayer please!!!

Are you ever planing to make this mp tho? play as monster or both play as crewmate.

Playing as a monster multiplayer would break the game IMO.. Major problem would be that as you don't have any way of skipping O2. This would make impostors game consist of only waiting at either O2 switches. 

this is the best among us fan-made game ever made

why is this so good omg




amogus (sus)


why do i love  this so much more than The real among us? MoustacheBannana..Love you for this!! lol

A good among us horror game i think and it was pretty scary i think too

I was close to beating it but overall it's a really fun game! 

pretty spooky. I never played among us before so it was quite tricky xD

very cool :D

Incredible job! You should def keep working on this and improving it. You really have something here!

Gamenya sangat kerennn

Kalian bisa tomton disini keseruannya

this looks like a shit pos



sylol sussy get it hgahahhasharhgflskjgfodjdj'hjdf'lhjfljh'lfh;lfjhfh


Who Else came here from Kubz Scouts?


me he is one of my fav youtubers haha-

Such a legendary spin-off, this is what we've been waiting for! Love it

I already want more, it’s was absolutely amazing 

I saw a couple of you tubers play this so I wanted to play it and well.. this game is addicting as hell you should add multiplayer so we could play with our friends and stuff that would be super dope!!

Did you see the one by Kubz Scouts?


SCARY and made some crazy moments and a FREESTYLE with the banger homescreen beat. Would love multiplayer to play with m youtube friends!


This game was awesome! It really had a good atmosphere and how alien like the impostor is just puts a sense of dread when you don't know where they're at. Overall I enjoyed it, good job dev! 

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This is such a cool concept and the imposter is awesome, including the scary chase music and the noises it makes, it would be soo cool if this was like DBD, 1-3 imposters vs however many crewmates, instead of basic murder mystery. Hopefully we can play as the imposter and chase bots eventually or even multi player would be sick!!

We are planning to add multiplayer, we estimate it will take us around 2-3 weeks

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so sus


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very sus

This game was 10/10 super sus and amazing. Would vent again. Also made a little song in the video for the impostor cause I love them. 

This Game is Awsome!!!


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First 10 Levels No Death Gameplay.

This game is Epic. :) 5/5




sussy baka


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